08/11/2023 | Alessandra Bruni
Hater, curated by Rebecca Russo, Videoinsight® Foundation
The Videoinsight® Foundation presents 'HATER', curated by Rebecca Russo, a group exhibition featuring the winner of the 11th Videoinsight® Award
We live in a violent world, in which respect, kindness and gratitude seem to be rare values. We experience envy, hatred, lack of respect, cheating, aggression on a daily basis, in daily life and on the web. Violence on women, on children, on others, intimate or stranger, is intensifying. Physical and psychological violation of human rights, for political, geographical, historical, economic, religious, family and sentimental reasons, are commonplace. War afflicts us, massacres human lives, destroys souls. Hatred is an urgent, universal, unresolved problem.
On the occasion of Artissima 2023, Fondazione Videoinsight® presented the Collective Exhibition "HATER" curated by Rebecca Russo, philanthropist, collector, psychotherapist, President of Fondazione Videoinsight®.
The exhibition featured the shortlisted works of the Open Call "Hater" launched in February 2023 and awarded the Videoinsight® Prize now in its 11th edition.
The exhibition, as curator Rebecca Russo pointed out, aimed to raise awareness of the issue of "Haters", people who use social networks to express verbal violence or incite hate towards someone or something.
These are the artists featured in the group show:
Marco Abrate (Rebor), Sofia Amore, Raffaella Baldassarre, Pasquale Battaglia, Savina Capecci, Gianluca Capozzi, Marialucia Ciraci, Antonia Colella, Alessandro Dentico,Diego Dominici, Angelo Farina, Pietro Farina, Damiano Fasso, Lorenzo Gnata, Selena Leardini, Simone Marini, Silvia Raffaelli, Roberto Rossacci, Milena Sgambato, Paolo Treni, Roberta Toscano, Marta Scavone, Luca Zarattini.
The Videoinsight® Prize 2023 was won by the artist Selena Leardini with the work Casa dolce Casa.
The work, an acrylic on canvas, will become part of the Videoinsight® Foundation collection and the artist will then have a solo exhibition in the Foundation's spaces in Turin at the Videoinsight® Centre. The painting, as Rebecca Russo pointed out, puts scissors in the foreground, dangerous objects, weapons, but at the same time, they symbolise the only winning solution to save oneself when one is the victim of a "Hater" through the clean cut in communication, the end of the relationship. The scissors are a metaphor for resoluteness, for distancing, and the two symmetrically crossed blades represent the need to cut something out of one's life, such as a negative situation, a toxic relationship.
Savina Capecci, with the work Socials Tedium, 2023, acrylic, oil and pastel on canvas, came second, while Marta Scavone with the photograph Last excess at 21.40', 2023 ranked third.
The exhibition opened on 3 November 2023 at the Videoinsight® Centre in Turin and will run until 7 January 2024.

Selena Leardini Casa dolce Casa, acrilic on canvas Videoinsight® Prize 2023

Savina Capecci, Socials Tedium, 2023, acrilic, oil and paste on canvas,

Marta Scavone ‘Ultimo eccesso alle 21.40’ 2023